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Jumi is the set of native custom code extensions for Joomla!

Jumi includes custom code into Joomla! by many ways: directly, from a file or from a database record.

Jumi includes custom code into many Joomla! places: modules position, articles or into its own pages.

Jumi - my flexible friend

With Jumi you can:
  • include - quickly and easily - smart javascript, php, html, css, dhtml script files or plain txt files into your Joomla!
  • quickly develop small and simple customized Joomla! extensions - component, modules and plugin - like flash shows, ads, scrollers, pictures presentation, etc., etc.
  • rapidly develop even more sophisticated solutions for Joomla! including database manipulation like blogs, calendars, shopping carts, surveys, etc., etc.

Main features

Jumi is:
  • Proven & Reliable
    Many users with a vast range of satisfied needs, more then 350.000 downloads. Since 2006 among Joomla! users.
  • Slim & fast.
    The Jumi code is very slim and fast.
  • Reusable.
    The same script can be used many times in various places by any Jumi extension without the need of rewriting it.
  • Flexible.
    Jumi extensions can be used separately or they can collaborate between each other.
  • Free.
    Jumi is released under GNU/GPL2 licence. It's free. No need to become a member of anything, no need to login anywhere. Just download it - use it - enjoy it!